Interesting interview of Jurina, Rena and Akane by Sponichi Annex regarding the future of SKE and how to someday surpass AKB.
SKE48 new single 「片思いFinally」 to be release on the 25th. Last year their 3 singles became n°1 of Oricon Single chart and their popularity is still rising. For a certain time the members have claimed 「We want to surpass AKB」, how close from that goal are they now?
Let’s hear the honest answer from Jurina Matsui (14) , Rena Matsui (20), Takayanagi Akane (20).
Q - What needs to be done next to surpass AKB?
Akane - Something AKB haven’t try yet… What about baseball?!
Jurina - Ohhh, sounds good! *sparkling eyes*
Akane - I like baseball.
Jurina - We haven’t done much regarding sport until now, isn’t it?
Akane - There are lots of athletic members in SKE, that would be great if we could do something related to sport.
Jurina - I want! I want!
Akane - And then when we become strong enough, they will certainly report it in the news. If we reach the point where they think 「How can some idols be that strong?!」, we will certainly gather a lot of attention.
Jurina - Should we really? What if everyone ends up brawny (lol).
Q - If you had to choose, which sport would you select Jurina?
Jurina - I want to play dodge ball. Form a team and if there was a tournament, that would be great fun.
Q - … what about you Rena?
Rena - I’m not fond of sport *gloomy face*.
Akane - Table tennis?
Rena - I can’t play it either.
Jurina - But you can swim right?
Rena - Me, I can’t swim. *even more gloomy face*
Q - So Rena could not enter “SKE sport election”?
Rena - I would not participate.
Akane - Then you would cheer us by singing (lol).
Rena - I will be the manager.
Jurina - But indeed it would be weird/unpleasant if Rena-chan had to go all out during a game (lol).
Q - In your chase after AKB, did you get closer yet?
……silence of the 3……
Q - So?
Rena - I don’t think the distance between them (AKB) and us (SKE) has shorten. Or at least, we can’t spontaneously answer 「Yes, we got closer to them」.
Jurina - But SKE is given more and more chances to do things that have been done by AKB before, it’s a step forward in my opinion.
Q - What should be done to get closer to AKB?
Akane - Our activity as a group is one thing, but there is a need to increase the individual popularity of the members.
Q - Indeed, there are a lot of popular members inside AKB.
Akane - And among them a number of outstanding members keep appearing. I believe we will see an increase of them (AKB members) offer to star in drama.
Jurina - I think the point is that we do things that differ from what AKB has done. Because today you ear people say 「SKE is the Nagoya version of AKB」. I want SKE to show it’s own true color, AKB is AKB, SKE is SKE. I want to be judge for what we are worth, independently.
Q - In my opinion, a good proof that you’ve reach AKB level would be, for example, for your new single 「片思いFinally」 to win the Japan Record Award*. What do you think about winning JRA?
Rena - Until now I had not considered it, but last year when AKB claimed the prize, it seemed like the fans’ awareness changed and we were told 「Do your best as SKE to win JRA too」.
It’s a path AKB have opened for themselves, I wonder if it’s suitable to become our goal.
Q - Jurina?
Jurina - Award? Let’s take it! (lol) [TN: 賞ですか!?獲りましょう!-> shiou desuka? torimashiou]
Q - That sounds like a pun…
Jurina - The Award may be too much of a dream, but I would like SKE to perform for Kohaku (as SKE).
Q - Last year you performed as part of AKB, among a total 210 members right?
Jurina - We’ve been told by fans 「It was hard to find you」, earring things like this brought us down a bit, I want SKE to perform at Kohaku.
* won in 2011 by AKB with Flying Get. Rena was there to receive the prize and perform as part of senbatsu member (curfew was enforced for Jurina though).
They’ve got it all right. Be yourself, follow your own path.
There is no need for a second AKB. SKE is SKE and we love it because of its uniqueness =).